Sunday, February 23rd
Gardening Q & A
12:00 pm
Presented by Brad Fowler Clemson Cooperative Extension
Presented by Brad Fowler Clemson Cooperative Extension
Brad Fowler, Horticultural Specialist from Clemson Cooperative Extension is the Urban Horticulture Agent and Master Gardener Coordinator for Horry and Georgetown counties is back to answer any of your gardening questions. Brad will be helping solve audience members’ issues in their garden and back. So, bring your questions and photos of problems you may be having in your outdoor space and get answers to having your lawn and garden thrive.
Boston Creme Croissants Demo
1:00 pm
Presented by Chef Geoffrey Blount Leve Bakery
Presented by Chef Geoffrey Blount Leve Bakery
We are so excited to welcome back Chef Geoffrey Blount owner of Leve Bakery in Conway to the show. Chef Blount is known for his amazing sourdough breads but at this demo he will show a different use for sourdough, Sourdough Sandwich Cookies. That’s right, this unique snack will make an impression on you. Learn the skills “kneaded” to make this tasty treat from Chef Blount. You may just grab a sample while there too!
Landscaping On The Fly
2:00 pm
Presented by Bill Hester Conserva Irrigation
Presented by Bill Hester Conserva Irrigation
Have you bought a new home or have a landscape that you think needs more? Then discover how adding hardscape features, structures and plant material can change that. We will talk about the sequencing, full landscape design and the ability to install what you want when you want! We will discuss budget restraints and realistic goals within the landscape.